Groan if you have a girlfriend.
Yeah, I feel you.
Those of you who have not groaned either do not have girl friends or are in the initial stages where everything is rosy and she still hasn’t asked for money to go do her hair.
“But,” I hear you argue, “There are many old couples around. Surely they can’t be all wrong.” All I can say to that is that they groaned along with the rest of us. If you have had a steady girl friend for more than two days, you know exactly what I mean, especially in these days of Sambaza©.
My whole life I have been something of a loner. Lots of friends but actually very few friends if you know what I mean and so to finally meet a lady (we’ll call her that for now) who actually liked me was as monumental as the introduction of the first mid-engined, rear wheel rive sports car by Lamborghini, or to come closer to home, the introduction of the first FM stations.
Anyway, she was/is a looker (L as in Looker) and I suppose that's why I got drawn in. To say she had a face that could launch a thousand ships to burn down Troy would be gilding the lily a bit, but it could launch maybe fifty to a hundred ships. I forgot the wise words of Magneto in X-Men when he said 'Never trust a beautifull woman, especially one interested in you.' To cut a rather long, sad story short, she was not interested in me but in the money she thought I had(emphasis on thought).
I had to end it when she made it clear that If I did not buy her a phone, she would leave me. The conversation went something like this.
She: Baby, have you got me the phone yet?
Me: I have decided not to get you the phone because I believe you are using me and I feel that you consider me nothing but a walking wallet.
She: (sneering) just say you couldn't afford the phone I wanted. You cheapskate.
Me: Actually, if I did have the phone, I would give it to you but not in the way you expect. I would begin by shoving it up ....
(I went on for about 5 minutes about phones and anatomy and how the two could actually be put together quite nicely. Her face went from a very light brown to a healthy, race-car red)
She: (screaming) Get out! Get Out! Get out!
Me: (Also screaming) Fine! I'm gone. Bitch! (I stormed out)
Me:(Storming back in and pointing a finger at her) And by the way, the Sex was terrible!
She: We didn't have any sex, idiot.(shouting)
Me: Exactly!(Stormed out for good)
Those who know me will attest to the fact that I can be infuriatingly practical, especially in a situation where pragmatism would be considered bad taste. Thus, when it comes to women and money, I can be extremely accomodating. I mean, women have needs and not all of them have or can get jobs. A bitch has to eat is what I'm trying to say and if the only way for her get food is to scrounge off some guy, then it's cool with me. Upto a point.
The thing is both parties have to be aware of the salient facts abouth their relationship. There should be quid pro quo. The problem is that in most of these situations, the quid is there but the pro is gone. It is exactly because of this that I believe it is much better to go for a prostitute than stay with a lady who just wants you for your money. Most of you are going to argue that there is no difference but there is. You can only tell once you have been in.
You see, with a hooker, the scale is linear. If you pay KShs 200 for X, then if you pay KShs 400 then you get 2X (barring inflation and other whatnots). The simplicity and predictability is the attraction. The problem with this other type is that their charge scales are not linear. They do not follow any progressions, Arithmetic or Geometric, they are formed purely on whim which as we know is dependent on other fickle parameters like weather, color of dress, etc.
The cruelty of these women is amazing. They charge you for their company( the currency is usually pizza and lately coffee at Dorman's or Java) and then still expect you to be charming and witty and all those other things. If I'm paying for your company, why don't you be charming and witty and let me sit here and eat. Bitch.
yaaaah thassss right vent baba, let it all out.
especially that how you malizad the argument witha a resouding EXACTLY!
Anonymous, at 8:26 AM
that was me not trying to be anonymous.....
Anonymous, at 8:27 AM
hahaha hahaha Nice one. Although you were a bit harsh on the woman. She was just helping a brother to distribute his wealth :-D
thanks for the laughs!
Anonymous, at 8:47 AM
LOL!!! My guy you never cease to amuse!! When is the next instalment?
Anonymous, at 2:58 AM
thas rite dude. les stick to our hos at F namean ;)
Anonymous, at 8:10 AM
Chap! Your ability to entertain, jamaa! Good writing, pole about de lady...
Anonymous, at 11:17 AM
Here's a thought: why don't you try dating women with a) a brain and b)a life and therefore c)an income? If you hook yourself up to someone whose face is fleetingly pleasing but who doesn't seem to have much else to recommend her, I'm afraid that my sympathy for you is limited in the extreme. Those with intelligent, non-selfish, real-people girlfriends do not seem to me to have your kind of troubles. And gosh, you might even have stimulating conversation instead of arguing about phones. Imagine!
WM, at 4:56 AM
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