Quis Cuodes Custodiet?
Who will guard the guardians?
Guys, do you remember GHC? I do.
One of the first things we learn about in civics is that the government is divided, supposedly, into three arms, the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. These three arms are supposed to be completely independent of each other to allow them to function for the good of the state (you and I).
This separation is supposed to make it difficult for one particular arm to lord it over the others. A recent example of the success of this principle was the outlawing of those Alcoblow© gadgets that, from my point of view, had come to be quite a menace.
To remind those of you who have forgotten, some bright spark at some police department decided that people were dying too much from driving straight into roundabouts and other vehicles. He (it might have been a she) decided that the problem was that there were too many drunk drivers at night. How else would you explain head-on collisions on one-way highways?
So this bright spark suggested to his boss “Hey, why don’t we pull guys over at random at night and see if they are drunk? Sure we won’t get them all, but at least we’ll get some.”
His boss told him not to be stupid. “I mean, there are some people out there who could be punch drunk and you wouldn’t be able to know.” His boss then passed out.
Our bright spark, being a bright spark, saw his boss’s point immediately. Thus, the Alcoblow© was bought. And for a while, it was okay. Then some other bright, drunk, spark decided that there was no way a machine could smell his breath and decide that he couldn’t get home. “Crap, I have driven home with no memories of the drive the nexsht day.”
So, to court and the cops are told by the judges “That shit is illegal, you can’t go around pointing tubes at peoples mouths and believing what you see. How will we trust that you yourself aren’t too drunk to tell the difference between red and green? Next time you want to do anything of the kind, come and ask if it is legal. Now get out. ”
The system at work eh? Doctrine has become more powerful than reason. Wrong or right, the system worked. This kind of thing is supposed to reduce excesses in government.
Another thing we learnt and have seen in action is that the parliament is the most powerful organ in the country. That is why they have the audacity to tell the government to reduce spending while the first bill they passed was "We will get more money because we need new cars and we need to look after our constituents. And do not ask us why, we are more important than you"
There IS a parlaimentary select committee that is supposed to look into government spending but hello, isn't the damn thing composed of parliamentarians and people in government? Shit, if it wasn't tragic it would be funny. Why the hell would a rational human being write a damning report on themselves? And you actually expect a good report on the Anglo-leasing scam? Pull your head out of the sand!
While the government spend that 800 million on cars, remember that every single MP got a GRANT of 3 Million to buy themselves a car. That's 600 making a total of 1.4 Billion on the cars themselves excepting allowances on fuel and maintenance.
So you see? Parliament and government are in bed together.
Then they run to foreigners asking for 2 Billion to help alleviate hunger. Shit! Maybe we should force them to eat that 4 tonne consignment of dog food.
Who will guard us from the guardians.
Guys, do you remember GHC? I do.
One of the first things we learn about in civics is that the government is divided, supposedly, into three arms, the Legislature, Executive and Judiciary. These three arms are supposed to be completely independent of each other to allow them to function for the good of the state (you and I).
This separation is supposed to make it difficult for one particular arm to lord it over the others. A recent example of the success of this principle was the outlawing of those Alcoblow© gadgets that, from my point of view, had come to be quite a menace.
To remind those of you who have forgotten, some bright spark at some police department decided that people were dying too much from driving straight into roundabouts and other vehicles. He (it might have been a she) decided that the problem was that there were too many drunk drivers at night. How else would you explain head-on collisions on one-way highways?
So this bright spark suggested to his boss “Hey, why don’t we pull guys over at random at night and see if they are drunk? Sure we won’t get them all, but at least we’ll get some.”
His boss told him not to be stupid. “I mean, there are some people out there who could be punch drunk and you wouldn’t be able to know.” His boss then passed out.
Our bright spark, being a bright spark, saw his boss’s point immediately. Thus, the Alcoblow© was bought. And for a while, it was okay. Then some other bright, drunk, spark decided that there was no way a machine could smell his breath and decide that he couldn’t get home. “Crap, I have driven home with no memories of the drive the nexsht day.”
So, to court and the cops are told by the judges “That shit is illegal, you can’t go around pointing tubes at peoples mouths and believing what you see. How will we trust that you yourself aren’t too drunk to tell the difference between red and green? Next time you want to do anything of the kind, come and ask if it is legal. Now get out. ”
The system at work eh? Doctrine has become more powerful than reason. Wrong or right, the system worked. This kind of thing is supposed to reduce excesses in government.
Another thing we learnt and have seen in action is that the parliament is the most powerful organ in the country. That is why they have the audacity to tell the government to reduce spending while the first bill they passed was "We will get more money because we need new cars and we need to look after our constituents. And do not ask us why, we are more important than you"
There IS a parlaimentary select committee that is supposed to look into government spending but hello, isn't the damn thing composed of parliamentarians and people in government? Shit, if it wasn't tragic it would be funny. Why the hell would a rational human being write a damning report on themselves? And you actually expect a good report on the Anglo-leasing scam? Pull your head out of the sand!
While the government spend that 800 million on cars, remember that every single MP got a GRANT of 3 Million to buy themselves a car. That's 600 making a total of 1.4 Billion on the cars themselves excepting allowances on fuel and maintenance.
So you see? Parliament and government are in bed together.
Then they run to foreigners asking for 2 Billion to help alleviate hunger. Shit! Maybe we should force them to eat that 4 tonne consignment of dog food.
Who will guard us from the guardians.
Indeed who will guard us!
We should feed them with the dog food and finish off with some rat meat...
Anonymous, at 3:26 AM
I wondered what GHC WAS,GOSH!
Nice post! If you could help me write a post on what exactly ills Kenya.
Girl in the Meadow, at 3:34 AM
Lock them all in a kennel and stuff them with dog biscuits and bone meal!
Anonymous, at 12:36 PM
Lock them all in a kennel and stuff them with dog biscuits and bone meal!
Anonymous, at 12:36 PM
being around during the whole alcoblow thing, i was positively surprised that the guy who stopped the thing really came through with his argumentation.
Adrian, at 7:20 PM
Surprising wasn't it?
The law is a jackass.
Sidaki, at 8:28 AM
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