My friend and I were discussing the Sci-Fi movie AI a while back and we couldn’t help but be riotously amused that the first uses we put AI and robotics to, according to the movie, was sex. Stop frowning and watch the movie.
We fantasized about placing our order of robo-chick.
H.O.E. Robots: How may we help you?
Me: I would like a robochick, well rounded.
H.O.E. Robots: Anything else?
Me: Yeah, do you have the 2025 Model? I liked her eyes.
H.O.E. Robots: Well, those were a classic, not available except to our valued customers.
Me: What?! Am I not a valued customer?
H.O.E. Robots: Do you own a Natalie Portman© 2050?
Me: Er… No.
H.O.E. Robots: Then no, you are not a valued customer.
Me: Well, I owned the Monicah Lewinski© 2003 Model, doesn’t that count for something?
H.O.E. Robots: That counts for zip, she was only good at one thing and she couldn’t multi-task. Isn’t that why you got rid of her?
Me: No, she kept staining my clothes. She said she didn’t know why she did it. She said it was a deep seated compulsion.
(It went on for hours)
The fact is, AI is coming and yet we persist in burying our heads in the sand. We refuse to discuss the implications of it's arrival. The theme has been explored in countless novels and movies and yet this only manages to grab our attention for a maximum of 2 hrs. We have been weaned since the early Sci-Fi’s of the fifties to be afraid of AI.
(Forbidden planet,etc)
Personally, I am looking forward to having a conversation with an AI. The human thought processes are conditioned, limited due to unavoidable circumstances like the fact that we have to eat, we have to sleep, religion and that eventually we will die. But here is an intelligence unencumbered by any of those things. Here is an intelligence that can roam into areas that the human mind still refuses to discuss, like what it is to be human. Here is an intelligene that will think of the possibility of there being a god without feeling any guilt.
Here is an intelligence for which the word objective doesn’t even scratch the surface.
Cold, no conscience just logic.
I believe in studying such an intelligence, we will learn what it is to be human in finding out what separates us from that robot. AI is the very definition of Pandora’s Box. Once we let out the genie, it will never get back in the lamp, never.
Perhaps we should be cautious but as Neo was so often told, it IS inevitable.
I’m still looking forward to it though.
We fantasized about placing our order of robo-chick.
H.O.E. Robots: How may we help you?
Me: I would like a robochick, well rounded.
H.O.E. Robots: Anything else?
Me: Yeah, do you have the 2025 Model? I liked her eyes.
H.O.E. Robots: Well, those were a classic, not available except to our valued customers.
Me: What?! Am I not a valued customer?
H.O.E. Robots: Do you own a Natalie Portman© 2050?
Me: Er… No.
H.O.E. Robots: Then no, you are not a valued customer.
Me: Well, I owned the Monicah Lewinski© 2003 Model, doesn’t that count for something?
H.O.E. Robots: That counts for zip, she was only good at one thing and she couldn’t multi-task. Isn’t that why you got rid of her?
Me: No, she kept staining my clothes. She said she didn’t know why she did it. She said it was a deep seated compulsion.
(It went on for hours)
The fact is, AI is coming and yet we persist in burying our heads in the sand. We refuse to discuss the implications of it's arrival. The theme has been explored in countless novels and movies and yet this only manages to grab our attention for a maximum of 2 hrs. We have been weaned since the early Sci-Fi’s of the fifties to be afraid of AI.
(Forbidden planet,etc)
Personally, I am looking forward to having a conversation with an AI. The human thought processes are conditioned, limited due to unavoidable circumstances like the fact that we have to eat, we have to sleep, religion and that eventually we will die. But here is an intelligence unencumbered by any of those things. Here is an intelligence that can roam into areas that the human mind still refuses to discuss, like what it is to be human. Here is an intelligene that will think of the possibility of there being a god without feeling any guilt.
Here is an intelligence for which the word objective doesn’t even scratch the surface.
Cold, no conscience just logic.
I believe in studying such an intelligence, we will learn what it is to be human in finding out what separates us from that robot. AI is the very definition of Pandora’s Box. Once we let out the genie, it will never get back in the lamp, never.
Perhaps we should be cautious but as Neo was so often told, it IS inevitable.
I’m still looking forward to it though.
AI was one of the most useless movies ever! :-)Honestly I was completely bored! But one thing that stood out was that the robot "David" has very very good long did they last?
Interesting perspective you have there...
One thing I noticed that most AI movies have in common is that in the future machines are to be feared... eg Terminator, Matrix, A Space Odessy: 2000,I-Robot.
When I was a kid I used to think that come year 2000 we would have cars that hover around etc etc (Thanks to movies like Back to the Future, and watching documentaries like Beyond 2000)
But 2000 came and went. So I think it (the future) would be so gradual I wouldnt notice the differrence
Anonymous, at 2:54 AM
Hey ! You're back Ni2. These guys keep expecting someone to unleash flying cars in a week and give them to everyone at $200 dollars a pop.
I agree, it will be gradual.
If you think
about it, alot of the stuff we take for granted was actually Sci-Fi stuff. e.g. Your mobile phone.
Did you know antimatter, the
Sci-Fi fuel of the future, is actually in regular usage in medicine?
And that Boeing are actually looking into antigravity?
Sidaki, at 11:04 AM
Okay that ^^ was me.
Anonymous, at 11:30 AM
Okay that I didn't know.
I forgot to mention (the last time I was here) that the conversation you were having with the H.O.E Robots was quite hilarious!
Oh yeah. What you are saying about mobile phones is exactly what I mean about it being gradual.
Anonymous, at 11:31 AM
Read this. Also about machines and the future.
its long
Anonymous, at 10:20 AM
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